November Sprint complete! This months objective was to create and link up a bunch of different system around the Order/Sell/Storage system. You can now order furniture, sell it (will be expanded in the coming months), or store it in your warehouse (which you will be able to retrieve from in the future). I also added a player HUD and a buuuuunch of other cool features.
Next month is alllll about the Customer/NPC system, which I am soooo excited about!
Technical Overview:
October Sprint is done! Not much seems to have changed since my last video, but there have been tons of updates added under the hood.
Next month is all about Store Layout while expanding the Management (computer) System, so Ill be able to share a lot more visual updates, which should be fun.
Seems like a long way – but 9 more months to go!
Technical changes for anyone curious (October was all about the Interaction and Inventory systems. ):